Functors - huh!?

(NOTE: you can find the relevant source code in

Type systems are really all about types (duh!). A Type is really a description of a set of "common shapes". This allows you to then say things like "Everything in this list is the same sort of thing".

In Java this might look like:

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        List<String> myStrings = List.of("hi", "there");

java.util.List is defined as a Container of 'things'. In order to construct an actual List you must tell it exactly what it will contain. In the above case we are creating a List of Strings.

In Reason, or rather in OCamlthe same principle applies, but the syntax is very different. In Ocaml you construct something called a Functor which is strictly a mapping from one category to another. AIUI (which is code for I haven't got a clue really, but this happened to work) there are three moving pieces:

  • A generic specification for the type and necessary operations on that type
  • A generic engine that takes in a specification and "does the thing".
  • A concrete instance of the specific which glues the two together.

The engine is also a factory which takes in a specification and returns a specific instance of the engine baked just for you.

An example - grouping by things

Clojure is fantastic for both its consistent set of simple abstractions and a rich standard library which operates across those abstractions.

One such utility is, which given a sequence and a fn, returns a map from every unique value of (fn element) to the set of elements that generated that value.

Imagine we have a sequence of numbers: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]and we want to split that sequence into even numbers and odd numbers. In a clojure repl:

user=>  (def numbers [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10])
user=> (defn our-fn [x] (even? x))
user=> (group-by our-fn numbers)
{false [1 3 5 7 9], true [2 4 6 8 10]}

(and yes, smarty pants, (group-by even? (range 0 11)) gives the same result, but this is supposed to be an illuminating example ;-)).

You can see that (group-by our-fn numbers) returned a map from true to all the even numbers and false to all of the false numbers.

Grouping by things in ReasonML

To achieve the same thing in reasonml we need to create the three things.

The Specification

First, we need a list of things (e.g. numbers). Secondly, we need something that when given a thing (e.g. number), returns the value for that thing (e.g. is it even?). Let's define that now:

module type CollectorSpec = {type e; type r; let l: list(e); let f: e => r;};

That defines the type of the element and the type of the result. It also defines a list of elements, and a function that takes an element and returns the result. Notice that we haven't actually said what the types are, only that there are two different types, a list of e and a function that maps from one (instance of) e to (an instance of) r.

The Engine

Our second component is the generic engine that actually does the work. In order to do anything it needs to know how to reason about the types, but it really doesn't care what those types actually are:

(NOTE: you did read the disclaimer that stated I really didn't have a clue what I am doing right? :-))

module Collector = {
  module Make = (C: CollectorSpec) => {
    type e = C.e;
    type r = C.r;
    let collect = (~l=C.l, ~f=C.f, _) => {
      let result = Hashtbl.create(~random=true, List.length(l));
        item => {
          let r = f(item);
          let newList = Hashtbl.mem(result, r) ? Hashtbl.find(result, r) : [];
          Hashtbl.replace(result, r, [item, ...newList]);

Let's unpack this a bit (explanations are underneath the code list):

module Collector = {

We create a module to store the generic logic in.

  module Make = (C: CollectorSpec) => {

We create a nested module to create the constructor. Conventionally this is known as Make.

    type e = C.e;
    type r = C.r;
    let collect = (~l=C.l, ~f=C.f, _) => {

Because we are claiming that Make is of type CollectableSpecwe must make it type compatible, so we are teaching Make about the shape of CollectableSpec. The last line is creating a function called collect which takes in two named parameters: ~l of type CollectableSpec.l and ~fof type CollectableSpec.f. It is entirely co-incidental that the parameters are the same name as their type.

      let result = Hashtbl.create(~random=true, List.length(l));
        item => {
          let r = f(item);
          let newList = Hashtbl.mem(result, k) ? Hashtbl.find(result, r) : [];
          Hashtbl.replace(result, k, [item, ...newList]);

The above is the (almost certainly terrible and hacky) implementation of our group-by logic. The detail doesn't matter here, simply note that other we have only restricted this to types defined in CollectorSpec,not a specific concrete type.

The Glue

At this point we have something a specification that states we need two types, a list of one of those types and a mapping from an instance of the first type to an instance of the second type.

Now we are ready to actually use our fancy collect logic.

First, we must actually define the concrete types. What exactly is CollectorSpec.e and CollectorSpec.r? To do that we provide theMake factory a specification using the types we are actually interested in. In our example we are collecting based on whether the number is even or odd:

module EvenNumbersCollectorSpec = 
    type e = int;
    type r = bool;
    let l = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
    let f = (n) => n mod 2 === 0 ? true : false;

At this point, we have created an instance of our Collector engine instantiated for our types and our mapping function.


Now, let's actually do the collecting:let m = EvenNumbersCollectorSpec.collect();, really? Yep! That's done it. Let's prove it:

Js.log(Hashtbl.mem(m, true));
Js.log(Hashtbl.mem(m, false));

mem is asking "do you have a mapping from X to anything"? You should see "1" (bizarrely, not "true") written in your browser's console indicating that yes, m does indeed know about true.

We now know that m has bindings (or keys) for true and false. What about a value which we know won't be there? You might expectJs.log(Hashtbl.mem(m, "not there")); to return 0, but it actually reports an error.

huh? An error!? You asked Hashtbl to look up the value "not there"which is a string but you defined m as only taking bools, and because strings aren't bools the compiler knows that the question you are asking is nonsense. Awesome! Rather than crash at runtime it won't even compile!

Given there are only true and false we can't test a third bool unmapped value so you will just have to trust that mem isn't cheating :-).

Let's print out the actual numbers associated to true and false:

let trues = Hashtbl.find(m, true);
let falses = Hashtbl.find(m, false);

Js.log2("trues are:", Array.of_list(trues));
Js.log2("falses are:", Array.of_list(falses));

(NOTE: printing out Lists isn't great as it prints the raw (linked list) data structure, hence the conversion to Arrays first.)

You should see:

"trues are:" [10,8,6,4,2]
"falses are:" [9,7,5,3,1]

in your browser's console log.

Another Example

Numbers are great and everything, but let's do something a bit more interesting - cats and dogs. Everybody loves those.

type animalType = Dog | Cat | Horse;

type animal = {
  type_: animalType, 
  name: string

let animals = [
  {type_: Dog, name: "Wuffles"},
  {type_: Dog, name: "Biscuits"},
  {type_: Cat, name: "KillerCat"}

We have defined three distinct types of animals; Dog, Catand Horse. We also define an animalas having an animalType and a string name. We then declared a list of three animals.

In order to collect the different types of animal we define the glue:

module AnimalCollector = 
    type e = animal;
    type r = animalType;
    let l = animals;
    let f = (n) => n.type_;

(NOTE: type is a reserved word so by convention we name fields type_.)

This engine will map from each distinct animalType to all of the animals of that animalType.

As before, let's inspect the results:

let m = AnimalCollector.collect();
Js.log(Array.of_list(Hashtbl.find(m, Dog)));  ;; === [[0,"Biscuits"],[0,"Wuffles"]]
Js.log(Array.of_list(Hashtbl.find(m, Cat)));  ;; === [[1,"KillerCat"]]

Because we didn't add any Horse s to our list of animals, we can verify that mem is actually working ;-):

Js.log(Hashtbl.mem(m, Horse));  ;; === 0

excellent. and what happens if we try and find a binding that isn't there:

Hashtbl.find(m, Horse);

This time, we don't get a type error as Horse is a valid type of animal. Rather, we get a runtime exception stating Not_found,-6. That cryptic error is telling you that there are no horses.

Q: Why on earth doesn't the standard library return option to avoid these runtime errors?


Functors are a way of parameterising a more general chunk of logic. There are three moving pieces, the specification of the types and functions in play, the engine which uses that specification and your glue which provides an actual instance of the specification which the engine factory uses to build you your own personal instance.

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